May 2024

Open-Source Software Legal Issues Webinar


The Bar Association of San Francisco Intellectual Property and Internet Law Section will be hosting a Continuing Legal Education webinar on Tuesday, May 28th at 12:00 PM.

In this one-hour session, participants will gain a comprehensive introduction to the legal landscape of Open-Source Software (OSS). With companies increasingly using OSS and and releasing their own code under OSS licenses, understanding the legal implications is crucial.

Topics will include:

  • Impact of OSS licenses on Intellectual Property, including copyrights and patents.
  • OSS issues to look out for during contract negotiation.
  • OSS considerations related to M&A. A high-level overview of important OSS case law.

Click here to register.

Michael Hewitt, associate leader of the Blockchain and Digital Assets Group, serves as Chair of the Intellectual Property and Internet Law Section. Michael Hewitt is actually involved in the intellectual property community and works with clients at Sideman & Bancroft to protect their brand portfolio through unique and effective enforcement mechanisms.