April 2023

Erica Brand Portnoy on Brand Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Panel

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On April 19th, 2023, Sideman Partner, Erica Brand Portnoy , will be joining Consero’s Band Protection & Anti-Counterfeiting Round Table Panel alongside other leading brand protection and intellectual property experts. Sideman & Bancroft has partnered with Fish & Richardson P.C. for this event.

Erica Brand Portnoy is a part of Sideman’s Brand Integrity & Innovation Group and specializes in brand protection matters and representing corporate victims of fraud and intellectual property theft.

More about the panel:

Enforcement experts will discuss the pros and cons of decisions brands make in adopting a strategy for enforcement.  The panel will provide real world experience on evaluating criteria for successful enforcement actions, including collaboration with law enforcement, partnering with platforms, and pursuing civil routes. Speakers will share experiences on how to develop an enforcement matrix for case evaluation, focusing on efficiency, accountability, and ROI.