October 2021

Kelly McCarthy Moderates Panel at Consero’s Global IP Management Forum


Partnering With Outside Counsel and Other Legal Service Providers to Identify Creative Ways to Manage Legal Costs

There are many reasons why companies choose outside counsel: expertise, understanding of industry, proven track record of success and . . . cost. While pricing isn’t always the first question, it is usually at the top. Law departments need outside counsel who are willing to find creative solutions to the problems that traditional hourly billing present without sacrificing quality of service or law firm responsiveness.

  • Identifying types of projects which lend themselves to creative pricing arrangements
  • Establishing long term partnerships with outside counsel to maximize benefits of creative pricing
  • Types of creative arrangements that have worked well for the panelists
  • What is the most significant change you have observed in the dynamic of the relationship between inside and outside counsel over the last five years? How do you expect that relationship to change over the next five years?
  • What effect has the growing trend toward disaggregating legal work had on the way you work with outside counsel?
  • What resources do you use to determine the ROI of your outside counsel?
  • What new tools have become available to you in recent years?

Kelly McCarthy, Partner, Sideman & Bancroft LLP
Jane Du, IP Counsel, Mayborn Group
Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, Head of Legal Yum Digital & Technology
Scott Piering, Vice President, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel, Spectrum Brands
Becky Unruh, Head IP Counsel, EagleView

October 20–22, 2021