August 2019

Sam Berrin discusses “The Status of Hemp and CBD in the Wake of the 2018 Farm Bill” at BASF event


Cannabidiol (CBD) is presently positioned to outpace its potent cousin, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), in the race for Most Popular Cannabis Derivative. The chic cannabinoid was given a boost in this respect with the recent passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which effectively upended the federal government’s definition of “Hemp” and its byproducts. Much is still unclear. The dividing line between legal and illegal remains elastic, federal agencies are scrambling to enact cohesive policies and guidelines, and regulatory frameworks at the state level are still taking shape. We will examine the law as it stands, cover updates in legislation and policy, and discuss what the future is likely to hold for practitioners and businesses trying to navigate this shifting landscape.


  • Overview of the changes implemented by the 2018 Farm Bill
  • Overview of California legislation and regulations
  • CBD retail issues
  • Branding and IP concerns
  • The FDA and what happens next