Kelly McCarthy and Ian Boyd have been selected for inclusion in the 2018 WTR 1000, a guide to the world’s leading trademark professionals published by World Trademark Review.
This year’s guide recognizes Ms. McCarthy in the California category for Prosecution and Strategy. Her clients note that she “deserves particular praise for her unique anti-counterfeiting practice,” as she assists right holders with various trademark matters from name selection to worldwide strategy and enforcement.
Mr. Boyd is recognized in the California category for Enforcement and Litigation, and for Prosecution and Strategy. Clients have described Mr. Boyd as “an exceptional litigator” who is “an outstanding attorney with great instincts and amazing customer service.”
Based on interviews with hundreds of lawyers and companies involved with trademarks, as well as firm submissions, World Trademark Review’s WTR 1000 recommends individual practitioners and their firms exclusively in the trademark field, and identify the leading players in 70 key jurisdictions globally. The complete 2018 WTR 1000 guide can be viewed here.